Tuesday, September 30, 2008


In the last few weeks the economy of the United States has almost completely collapsed. Major financial institutions have asked congress to bail them out with taxpayer money. 700,000,000,000,000, thats 700 billion dollars, to be exact. However this figure will likely go higher, some economists estimate figures of over a trillion dollars. This is not right. The american tax payer should not have to pay for the bad practices and investments of wall street. Our economy is a free market and when it has problems it should not be the responsibility nor the duty of the fed to regulate something that is supposed to free. There is another name for when you regulate the free market, its called socialism. While I do not totally disagree with socialism, I do think that a truly free market is far better then any market a government could regulate. Our government simply does not work fast enough to adequately adapt to changes and trends in the market.

Friday, September 12, 2008


Hurricane Ike is about to bear down on the coast of Texas. Residents have been warned that they will have certain death if they do not evacuate. More then a million people have been told to evacuate across the Texas and Louisiana coasts. Over 70 people have been killed in the Caribbean already and the damages to Cuba have been estimated at 3 to 4 billion dollars. The cost to the US might be higher because the predicted path of Ike takes it through Galveston and then to Houston. Its unknown how this hurricane will effect the country. If I remember correctly the hurricane that stuck during the Republican Nation Convention was used by the republicans for political gain. In this important Election season it will be interesting to see how the candidates respond to this hurricane.